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Semana da Bioengenharia Flutter app

Table of Contents

I developed this application for three editions of the Semana da Bioengenharia (SBE): 2020, 2021, and 2022. The application is implemented in Flutter and uses Firebase as its backend.

The SBE app allows you to have everything you need, right in your pocket! You can consult the event’s schedule and manage your own, read all about the invited speakers and even ask them questions during lectures. Moreover, it has a Piggy Bank, responsible for keeping your biocoins, which may get you a prize at the end of event.

I also implemented a real-time Q&A system with a Flutter-based web dashboard for discussion moderation, which also acts as a leaderboard for the “biocoins” competition.

The app is available in the Google Play Store and App Store.

Demo #

Screenshots #

App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot
App screenshot

Screenshot of leaderboard screen
Screenshot of the leaderboard.